Specialized Encyclopedias

With 1,224 entries, the Encyclopedia of Geography covers the six broad subject areas of: physical geography; human geography; nature and society; methods, models, and GIS; history of Geography; people, organizations, and movements.

The authoritative articles "investigate all types of phenomena that change life on Earth."

Presents the myths and legends in A-Z format, complete with a "topic finder" enabling the reader to locate specific entries. Provides cross-references with each entry, and an extensive bibliography. (This entry is in Primo; the access in the library is by WATCARD login.)

Offers “comprehensive coverage of all aspects of human rights theory, practice, law, and history in over 300 entries signed by leading scholars and human rights experts.”

"630 short articles of multidisciplinary interest, covering subjects from ABO blood groups and immunoglobulins, to xenotransplantation and zinc metalloenzymes. Full text of 1998 print edition."

ELL2 "cannot be surpassed for its depth, currency, interdisciplinary coverage, and sheer comprehensiveness.” Coverage includes the language situation in countries all over the world, language education policies in the world's major regions, language and the brain, animal communication, second-language acquisition, etc.

The encyclopedia looks at the effect of mathematics on hundreds of everyday topics. This resource is also a great introduction to math concepts for the non-mathematically inclined.

Instant access to a complete reference of everything musical in Canada. Presented in English and French.

"Structured as an encyclopaedia, but consisting primarily of links to other psychology sites."

A primer to the field of public relations. Features "the positive service and contributions of practitioners" as well as "the theoretical and ethical concerns".