This interactive module introduces grey literature and its use within the academic environment. Lessons focus on creating a search strategy for grey…
This module presents the structure and content of a typical history journal.
Updated: Jul 2024
In this module, we will introduce primary, secondary, and tertiary sources, explain the common characteristics of each, and discuss how they might be useful…
Integrated lessons on formatting, style, foot/endnote citations, and Bibliography citations in Chicago Manual of Style (17th Edition): Notes and…
Integrated lessons on reading and understanding journal articles.
Last updated: Sept, 2024
Integrated lessons on formatting, style, in-text citation, and reference list citation in APA Style (6th Edition).
Updated: Sept, 2023
An infographic that follows the Chicago 18 style and provides a sample of a Bibliography Entry for a journal article. It also offers a…
An infographic that follows the Chicago 18 style and provides a sample of Note Citations for a journal article. It also…