This module presents the structure and content of a typical history journal.
Updated: Jul 2024
In this module, we will introduce primary, secondary, and tertiary sources, explain the common characteristics of each, and discuss how they might be useful…
Integrated lessons on formatting, style, foot/endnote citations, and Bibliography citations in Chicago Manual of Style (17th Edition): Notes and…
This module will introduce you to the difference between Everyday Research and Academic Research, and will provide guidance on where to find academic…
An infographic that presents step by step options for organizing information used in graduate level literature reviews.
Worksheet to identify and develop keywords in advance of database searching.…
Decision tree to determine use and fit of open educational resource content and repository recommendations for the…
Integrated lessons on formatting, style, in-text citation, and reference list citation in APA Style (6th Edition).
Updated: Sept, 2023
This module will help learners understand how to evaluate, find, and utilize news from various sources, such as newspapers and newspaper databases available…
This module presents the structure and content of a typical journal within the social sciences.