Purpose of the Repository
The Library’s Online Learning Objects Repository collects, preserves, publishes, and makes openly discoverable the online learning content produced by the University of Waterloo Library staff.
Scope of the Content in the Repository
Materials may include handouts, slide decks, digital modules, infographics, podcasts, videos, graphics, images, and additional alternative formats. It represents a unique collection of learning resources generated by the University of Waterloo Library and is not available for other members of the learning community to deposit content at this time.
Responsibility for Identification and Selection of Content
Materials are reviewed by the Learning, Teaching, and Instructional Design Librarian for approval and accessibility compliance prior to inclusion.
Editorial Responsibility
Content in the Library Learning Objects Repository is created and edited by members of the University of Waterloo Library Instructional Design Team.
Withdrawals, Corrections, and Updates
The Library Online Learning Objects Repository is designed to provide long-term, persistent access to deposited items. As the nature of some content may change over time, a member of Library staff is responsible for reviewing and identifying content for withdrawal or updating on an 18-month cycle. An official notice of revision will be posted for 60 calendar days for those who may have linked to content. Every available effort will be made to replace materials with updated content when possible.
Format and size
Object specifications and requirements determined by Digital Repositories Librarian in collaboration with the Digital Initiatives Team.
Intellectual Property
The materials in the Library Learning Objects Repository are licenced under Creative Commons licences by individual item. In general, the least restrictive option for licensing is selected at the time the item is deposited. Individuals linking to materials in the repository are asked to follow the terms of the license, and provide proper attribution for included content.
Privacy and Use in Research
The Library Learning Objects Repository does collect information regarding the use of materials included in the repository. Aggregate data about usage may contribute to institutional decision-making, priority assessment for proposed projects, or professional talks and publications about the repository. Individually identifiable information about users is never collected. Those wishing to use information from the repository in research must request permission from the University of Waterloo Library and complete required research ethics clearance at the University of Waterloo when appropriate.