Article review

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An article review is a critical evaluation of an article. To write an article review, you select and read an article carefully, and summarize the author’s main ideas and research findings. You then provide your own evaluation and critique based on your analysis of the article and your knowledge of the topic.

Your steps

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Step 1: Get started

Percent time spent on this step: 10%

A. Understand the assignment

Read the assignment instructions carefully to determine the topic, purpose, audience, format, and length. For more information, see Understand your assignment.

B. Choose your research article

Use the article provided by your professor or search for academic essays on the required topic. Select 3-5 articles to choose from. To find articles, you may use one of the following:

After reading the abstract and introduction of each article, choose one article that

  • is relevant to the course,

  • is of interest to you, and 

  • you understand.

Step 2: Read the article

Percent time spent on this step: 25%

A. First reading

Determine the author’s research question, thesis, and findings.

B. Subsequent readings

Analyse the author’s methodology, observations, techniques, and conclusions. For help, see Reading and listening critically.

Step3: Evaluate the article

Percent time spent on this step: 20%

A. Establish the research context

  • Who conducted this research and what are his or her credentials?

  • What is the purpose of this research?

  • Does the author identify existing literature on the subject?

  • What are the implications for further study?

See Evaluating information sources for help.

B. Judge the success or failure of the article

  • Does the author identify the limitations of the study?

  • Do you notice any other shortcomings, biases, or flaws?

  • Does the author argue the thesis successfully?

Step 4: Plan and write

Percent time spent on this step: 30%

A. Write a citation for the article

B. Plan your first draft

Remember, the body of an article review ordinarily consists of two parts: a summary of the article, and your critique of the article.

C. Write your first draft

  • Write your critical analysis of the article. Be sure to evaluate the source and convey your own original impressions of the research.

  • Write the introduction, article summary, and conclusion.

  • Check out these strategies for Writing a first draft.

Step 5: Revise and proofread

Percent time spent on this step: 15%

A. Revise your draft

Print out your review and work from a hard copy. Read it carefully and look for high-order problems first.

  • Does your argument flow logically?
  • Do you support your arguments with relevant evidence?
  • Do you present your material in the best order?

For help with these issues, check out tips for revision.

Narrow your focus to paragraph-level issues such as flow and transitions. See Transition words for help.

B. Proofread and format

  • Last step! Read carefully to catch all those small errors. Here are some tips on Proofreading strategies.
  • Make sure your paper adheres to the conventions of the style you're using. Think about titles, margins, page numbers, reference lists, and citations.
  • See the Writing and Communication Centre Resources page for specific help in revising and proofreading.