This module will introduce you to the difference between Everyday Research and Academic Research, and will provide guidance on where to find academic…
Author: Stefaniada Voichita, Mike Chee
In this lesson you will learn about market research – what it is, and what you're looking for when you conduct it.
Updated: Sept, 2023
Author: Liz Gross, Kari D. Weaver, Mike Chee, Rachel Figueiredo, Sandra Keys, Emily Wong, Stefaniada Voichita, Abbey Colucci
In this module, you will learn how to find demographic statistics to support your market research.
Author: Stefaniada Voichita, Sandra Keys, Rachel Figueiredo
A Power Point presentation on ORCID, a global non-profit organization that provides Open Researcher and Contributor (ORCID) IDs to…
Author: Alissa Droog, Laura Bredahl, Megan Palmer, Kari Weaver, Anna Gustafsson, Stefaniada Voichita
Review the following implications of integrity in your academic life and beyond.
Author: Office of Academic Integrity, Graphics by Sara LeBlanc
Review the following implications of integrity in your academic life and beyond.
Author: Office of Academic Integrity, Graphics by Sara LeBlanc
Il s'agit du dernier module de la série Intégrité Académique pour les étudiants STIM.
Cette leçon explore les facteurs qui peuvent…
Author: Amanda McKenzie, Erin Nearing, Maria Barichello, Stephanie Mutch, Mike Chee, Kari D. Weaver, Anthony Maocheia-Ricci, Hiba Zubairi, Cathy Sebastian, Stefaniada Voichita, Janna Kholodova
Il s'agit du cinquième module de la série Intégrité Académique pour les étudiants STIM.
Cette leçon explore comment incorporer de manière…
Author: Amanda McKenzie, Erin Nearing, Maria Barichello, Rebecca Hutchinson, Stephanie Mutch, Kathy Szigeti, Kari D. Weaver, Mike Chee, Anthony Maocheia-Ricci, Stefaniada Voichita, Hiba Zubairi, Cathy Sebastian, Janna Kholodova
Il s'agit du quatrième module de la série Intégrité Académique pour les étudiants STIM.
Cette leçon explique comment travailler avec l'…
Author: Amanda McKenzie, Erin Nearing, Maria Barichello, Rebecca Hutchinson, Stephanie Mutch, Kari D. Weaver, Mike Chee, Hiba Zubairi, Cathy Sebastian, Stefaniada Voichita, Anthony Maocheia-Ricci, Janna Kholodova
Il s'agit du troisième module de la série Intégrité Académique pour les étudiants STIM.
Cette leçon explique comment maintenir l'intégrité…
Author: Amanda McKenzie, Erin Nearing, Maria Barichello, Stephanie Mutch, Mike Chee, Kari D. Weaver, Anthony Maocheia-Ricci, Hiba Zubairi, Cathy Sebastian, Stefaniada Voichita, Janna Kholodova