To request a book or journal article from Guelph/Laurier/Annex:
To request a book click on the "Requests" link within the search results display. When the page opens up, click on the link "Sign in to place a hold or recall."
To request an article click on "Place a request for an article" within the search results display. Then log in to Racer using your barcode, last name and select your institution. Click on "fill out blank request form" from the left hand menu and fill out the required fields.
Items or photocopies are delivered within 1-3 business days.
Your WatCard can be used at any of the TUG libraries to borrow circulating books directly.
How to get to Guelph or Laurier Libraries
Annex is a storage facility for infrequently used TUG resources located in Guelph. On-site access to the Annex is available by appointment. Contact: 1-800-597-8016 or 519-821-7946, or e-mail at triannex@uoguelph.ca